Monday, September 19, 2011

Owen Samuel Elliott

With the trend from the previous pregnancies you would have thought that I was going to have a baby in 2010, but I happen to like the odd years best (2005, 2007, 2009). July to December 2009 we owned and operated a cafĂ© in downtown Riverside. After the experiment I went back to work at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, in Corona February 2010. It was refreshing to have a break and use my brain, what was left of it that is. April-October James went through Peace Officers Training for Riverside PD. The week before he graduated we found out that we were expecting baby number 4 to arrive June 11th 2011. Prior to finding out that we were expecting I really started praying for a boy. God can go all things and we have not when we ask not. But as soon as I found out my tummy popped out. I remember someone asking me if I was pregnant when I was only 6 weeks along…not fair!
Owen was another great pregnancy, it was amazing. He was easy going, but BOY was I ever hungry. I felt like I ate all the time, I probably was too! It was a great enjoyable year 2010. I stopped doing wedding, I was just too busy and I couldn’t keep up with the demanding industry. Plus with James in Academy for most of the year it was nice to go to work and leave it there at the end of the day.
During my midwife appointments we started to discuss when I should call when I am in labor. My labor times had significantly reduced with each baby. My only concern the 4th go around was that the mid-wife would make it in time.

During this pregnancy James and I had one of those, do we find out what we are having debates. We weren’t sure if we wanted to and James was letting me decide. I wasn’t sure if it would through me off in Labor knowing what I was having since I have not found out in the past. One day in March we were driving by the mall and I mentioned that some friends of ours went to a shop and did a 4D sonogram to find out what they are having. James pulled off right away and we went right in. It happened pretty fast, the kids were even asleep in the car and we had to wake them up. When we went in the lady had a pretty easy time finding out the gender since I was so far along…its a BOY! We both cried and I think we had a sigh of relief. We prayed in the car and thanked God for answering our prayers, even if it was so trivial.
I was treated to a great day at Disneyland in May and was hoping that all the walking would send me into early labor since I went early with Audrey. Well after a rather exhausting day of walking nothing happen, again you would like I knew better. It took me several days to recover from all that vigorous exercise.
Disneyland trying to walk tons 
 Well, June 11th came and went, same song 4th verse, and no baby. I went on maternity leave at the end of May so I was really available for this baby to arrive, he had my FULL attention!
Monday June 20th arrived. James got up early for work. I remember that as he closed the door behind him at 6:30am I had my first contraction, figures! I waited until 8:30 am before calling anyone. They were only 15 minutes apart, but good strong contractions. My beloved mother was not available to come down right away, she was going to the beach. So I called James and he came home from work. He also went to bed for a good part of the day since we didn’t know how long I would labor for. My mom arrived at 5:30 pm and the contractions were still every 15 minutes. I sent my mom home and told her we would call her when the contractions got closer. Well she wasn’t home for very long before we called her to come back. We also called the mid-wife, then I realized the contractions went from every 15 minutes to every 5….huge difference…would the mid-wife make it on time? Thankfully, one of her assistance arrived with in 15 minutes around 9 pm. By the time the mid-wife arrived I was in the process of going to my room and getting ready to push. Karen arrived just in time, I was very relieved. When I started to push I didn’t feel like I was making much progress like I remember with the other babies. After working through pushes and changing positions the babies head started to show. I was encouraged to keep pushing. When I would stop for a much needed rest, and air, the head would drop back. This happened a dozen times. Finally I got to the point that I could sustain a good push. I knew at one point that I had pushed the head out but I couldn’t believe that I was being asked to keep pushing and there was no celebrating…and no relief! I pushed again and I heard “Keep pushing!”, so I pushed and again I was told “Keep pushing Michelle”. Three times I had to push after his head. Well, no wonder. Owen arrived at 11:55 pm weighing 10 lbs 8 oz and 22 inches long.
Trying to figure out how much the scale says!

 I remember that I did shake for a good hour after trying to rest and recover. James says that he has never seen me sweat so much before. Yeah, well I can honestly say that that was the hardest thing physically I have ever done. I have often commented to friends that when I am in labor I feel the closest to God. I am praying the entire time and talking to him. He truly gives me the strength that I need to accomplish what I needed to do. Owen is in 6 to 9 month clothes and weighs about 17 lbs at 12 weeks.

Even though Owen has only been alive for these past few months, I couldn’t imagine life without him. He is my ‘big’ little boy and I love him to pieces. I can’t wait to see how he grows in the months ahead. His personality is starting to come out and he is very happy and does not like to be alone (that is also a baby thing too). We pray for him, as we do the others, that he will grow in godliness and that he will do great things for the Lord.
Owen at 10 weeks

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